Photo by Melody

Clematis: Clematis in shrubs, 2 by Pfg

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Photo of Clematis in shrubs
Pfg wrote:
I'm so excited- I just got my clematis shipment from a co-op! They're all settled in for the short term on the city windowsill, waiting until Friday for the trip to the country. Hopefully by then the rain (2-5" expected) will have saturated our very dry soil and planting conditions will be good.
Here's the list:
Isago, a white double; Veronica's Choice, lavender double; Blue Light, lavender-blue; Will Goodwin, true blue; Viticella purpurea Plena elegans- which came by mistake but I'll find a place for it, never fear!; and on its way my original request, Violacea venosa. Yippee!

I'd like to put Isago on the box shrub behind Endless Summer Hydrangea. There are a lot of white flowers and silver foliage on the falling-down wall in front of it -not the clover in the grass, lol! That area was wiped out two years ago-reclaimed from major weed/thug/volunteer invasion- but is really beginning to fill in now. I realize Isago is Group 2, but that box only gets a light trim in the spring, so it should be ok. It will be facing south, with the Hydrangea in front of it.

One or two of the shade lovers are going on the north-facing wall of the house behind where the picture was taken from. There's a not-very-nice wrought iron railing by the entrance I'd like to camouflage. There's also not much root room because of the stone foundation and stair going down to the next level, so I'll have to figure that out.

There's another box opposite for another Clem or two, haven't worked that out yet... I guess this is the year of the clematis for me! I'm so thrilled to finally be able to add old favorites from another time in my gardening life to this project. And to be planting instead of spraying roundup... Aaah, life is good!

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions... Please keep them coming!
