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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: BROMELIADS FOR NOVICES & ADDICTS APRIL 2012, 1 by perke_patch

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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perke_patch wrote:
Hi all.
Karen we were at the sale when it opened at 8am. what time did you get there? we were there for quite a while so maybe still there when you arrived? sorry we missed you.

I got a few plants but not too many. A vrisea called rhubarb and a dillings seedling of vr black beauty F3 for a good price but will take a few years of growing to see what it becomes. I also got ae nigre which had 3 good sized plants in the pot so good value, and ae zebrina with a couple of plants in pot. Oh and Nev I got a pot overflowing with ae tillandsioidia with most of them flowering and a couple had even gone to seed ready to collect. Are you interested in any of those? Matt O'brien who grew it said it pups like mad so unless we really want to grow from seed we will still have heaps of plants very quickly. Up to you if you want the seed or not. I'm not sure if I will grow the seed or not as I already have quite a few plants. But the fun is in seeing what you get isn't it? I am happy to let you grow the seed and maybe later getting some seedlings back.

Karen I also got a few tillansias. I haven't taken pics of any of the new plants yet so I'll get onto that tomorrow. We have Emily here for another sleepover so I have been off the computer all night so she can play the Dora games again. She is getting good at it but was very cranky at the end so I made her go to bed. Now I have the computer back again.

I have to share with you what Emily helped me make or tea. I showed her how to wrap one sausage and she made the others. We called them pigs in blankets so she really enjoyed making them. I told her to put 1 toothpick in to seal the final point of the wrap but she decided to add extras for arms. She had fun and even ate 2 of the pigs by herself. I'm getting so good at coming up with things for her to make.

Jen I hope if you are reading this you are feeling better now. Jen dragged herself from her sick bed to go to the sale today but I had to drive as she was a bit woozy. She did get a couple of plants including a carcharadon hybrid with a couple of pups. Good value at $20.

Night again all.