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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 105, 1 by Seachanger

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Image Copyright Seachanger

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 105
Seachanger wrote:
Couldn't do without the landline Jean....I use my fax a fair bit, it's very handy...I have a big old Canon printer, that does everything and gives me great prints of pics....can't go wireless with this old relic..but I love it.
I have my first computer which is 9 yr old and runs XP that I gave to my granddaughter to practise on..when she got her laptop, the old one came back...and the one that I bought to replace the old one, was running Vista, but then the laptop came along with Windows 7 so now the Vista PC is Windows 7 too...I'm keeping the XP on the old boy..
I have some good old games on there too.....I love both of these computers and can't part with them and
they smile when they see me coming and say " Choose me, choose me" and the teddy bears sitting on the shelf above take bets on which one will do some work today..the small teddy with the green foot has been with me since I was 4...his name is John...all the others are my kids teddies that we can't part with..
Our grandaughter's teddy is too big for the shelf, so he sits on a chair...

I would have loved the iPhone 4 too kat....but it's expensive and I can barely see the I thought what's the point..If it was a few years ago when I was still working and could see without glasses, I would have loved I need BIG screens and BIG keyboards....and a magnifying glass in the

I thought that I would show you where I sit at night....I know it's messy...that's me..