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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 105, 1 by 77sunset

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Image Copyright 77sunset

In reply to: TEA ROOM # 105

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 105
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. Quite overcast here again. I am hoping for similar to yesterday with lots of lovely showers and the sun out between them. The plants are loving it .
I am sure my brug buds grew another inch overnight..

Teresa, what an amazing place for dogs. Be wonderful if all councils adopted the same idea. Maybe it couldnt always be as large, but great for dogs & their owners to exercise.

Moon, I can just imagine what your truck looks like. One year here, I had a whole garden of pollen covered yellow plants. Looked like they all had some weird disease with all the pollen on them.

Karen , hope you are feeling better.
I had to laugh when you mentioned filling out forms. They just dont think when they put all those boxes with silly questions .
We dont fit in boxes . We are all different. Isnt it so annoying when you cant find a box that fits you ?
I usually got to box that says other or not known.

Chookie, enjoy your time at the festival. Hope all your things sell.
I love those large trees around your cottage. Lots of places for birds.

Hello Anthony, keep persevering , you will win in the end. We are smarter than computers, it just takes us a bit longer to realise it.

Charleen, I bet Charley is eyeing off your grass over the fence. Maybe you could just walk him around while he eats it for you.
He would not like being in the paddock here at the moment. Its just wisps of dead grass and dust. Soon there will be a lovely green after the rain.

Hello Colleen, Dianne and Chrissy. Hope all is well with you all.

I am off to finish my cuppa , then go see how much all my plants grew overnight.

Enjoy the weekend and this....Chocolate Marble Cake.
Happy gardening