Photo by Melody

Clematis: Clematis chat for spring, 2 by pirl

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Photo of Clematis chat for spring
pirl wrote:
Goldenberry - so very sorry for the damage. I'd agree with rabbits being the culprits. Spread some Blood Meal to deter them. The clematises will rebound and probably surprise you with their vigor. They love the tender new growth on many plants so feel free to sprinkle the Blood Meal, lightly, to protect other cherished plants.

Kim - what a loss! The cages will keep them safe. My California friend, Zuzu, uses them for all of her 1200+ roses.

Kathy - we, too, have a two month wait for the clematis blooms. Yesterday I worked for four hours planting peonies, lilies and clematis. I also finally got around to feeding a lot more clem's with manure and bone meal and hoisted many back up since the obelisk fell during a storm and took a few down but the roots are fine and they are all sprouting. We had 67 degrees and full sunshine - glorious!

Jo Ann - I was very surprised to see fat leaf buds on many I planted last fall. What a joy!

The 'Duchess of Edinburgh' keeps growing taller and gives a big flush of blooms high in the Crape Myrtle. It's a winner for me. Since hurricane Gloria took out the big tree and limbs crushed much of the Crape Myrtle (photo 2) this will be interesting come spring to see if the Crape Myrtle will rebound enough to support the clematis without having it just hang in the air.