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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM #102, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM #102

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA ROOM  #102
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. Still overcast here. No rain and the days have been warming after lunch.
Nothing much doing around the garden as yet until autumn. The nerines will be poking their heads up then and a few other bulbs that I have scattered around.
There is one large bulb out there that I keep looking at and wondering what it is. I cannot remember planting it where it is.

Hello Moon, I think those two links show different versions of the elkhorn. It took me ages to get the two right as so many pictures are labelled wrongly.
My large stag was platycerium superbum ..which has the round basal fronds open and spread at the top like a fan. They slowly grow over time to be enormous and will eventually put out from the base of the giant fan, long fertile leaves which can be over 4'long.
The elkhorn ..platycerium bifircatum..has the round basal leaves hugging the support it grows on with many long leaves coming out from the base. There are some with long narrow leaves and some with wider ones. .
I do like the stags more than the elks as they look tidier but they can all take up so much room.

I really should get another stag to grow in the shadehouse near the back door where it can sit in peace and be admired.

Karen, I saw some like yours in the plant place and they had just been left to grow in ordinary pots. Poor things were squished.

Charleen , you must be finally getting into winter with ice in the birdbath.
Ice broke a terra cotta bird bath I had once when I lived in the mountain area where bad frosts were common.

Hello Teresa, Chrissy, Dianne, Colleen and Anthony. hope you are all enjoying the weekend .

The sun is trying to squeeze out from behind the clouds here so I am off outside to see what grew overnight.

Have a lovely day.
Try some Pink Lamingtons.
Happy gardening