Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: January 2012- Happy New Year!!!, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of January 2012- Happy New Year!!!
shortleaf wrote:
I went to a pet store and got some crickets for my little lizard to eat, today. Oh, it's much smaller than a Chameleon. Coincidentally, I saw a couple of Chameleons at the pet store, they were $179 apiece, that mighta included the tank I don't know. They were neat, they were more like a foot long with the tail. They must cling and climb kinda like monkeys, the way they wrap their feet and even their tail around branches and the stuff they climb on. No Chameleon for me yet, my 10 gallon tank is too small.

Yeah, this warm weather is a bummer for the plants, poor things think it's Spring! I think it goes that the swelled buds are only lost if they open. I wouldn't think it stays warm enuff long enuff for buds to open but I've been wrong before. 3 mos., I am also good with that, I hope it's right! I remember that the second week of January is traditionally the coldest time of the year here they say, I don't think it's gonna work that way this year. Although, it's supposed to cool way off, so we'll see how cold it gets this week.

There is kinda a micro-climate here too in the backyard. That dark red climbing rose from you, happ, also has green leaves back there!

I've really been tempted by houseplants from Walmart lately! I've been trying to get houseplants that go good in a hanging basket because those are easier to find a place for in the warm and cold seasons.
I couldn't pass up 4 new houseplants, a variegated ivy in a small hanging basket, for $9, a Sansevieria, (the mother-in-Law's tongue not the Snakeplant Sanseveriea, I already have a tiny one of those too), it was only $2.75, another Ivy 'Primadonna' for $4.50, it's a Helix hedera like the variegated one and the regular, green one, and last but not least, a regular green Ivy, it's just a smaller (cheaper) version of the variegated one, for $2.75. Here is the noobs in the photo, the $9 Ivy is on the next below shelf. I have more cheap little houseplants from the box stores than you can shake a stick at! I'll put a photo of most of them in the next photo.