Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: How to make papercrete containers #2, 1 by Sundownr

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Photo of How to make papercrete containers #2
Sundownr wrote:
I used a stick blender with this last batch of papercrete and it made the mixing easier and a finer texture of the 'crete (no big clumps of paper). It seemed easier to form, smoother surfaces, too. I burned up the mixer, but it was old so I don't know if that was more the issue than my abuse.

This batch of 'buff'-colored papercrete was the biggest yet and I got to make several pieces from it. I wanted to make a alpine/succulents planter table top for my grandmother's porch. I formed it into three separate pieces. It was a pain, but I liked how it turned out. I also got three fairy houses and two troughs/pots.

I'm still learning with each new batch of papercrete. I believe this is my new hobby/passion. Thanks again TomTom, where ever you are!!