Photo by Melody
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Orchids: Cool October Orchids, 1 by dyzzypyxxy

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Image Copyright dyzzypyxxy

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Forum: Orchids

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Photo of Cool October Orchids
dyzzypyxxy wrote:
Hey all, happy October! Enjoying the cool-down we've had the last week or so, and hoping to see a flower spike on my little variegated Phal. Couple of questions I'd appreciate opinions on - first, as you see in the pic, this baby is looking healthy and has shiny, perky new leaves, but I seem to be losing the variegation. See the older leaves with the cream borders on both sides, newer leaves with cream border on only one side, then the newest little leaf has just a brush stroke of cream on the end. Ideas? Too much or too little light?

Second question, this plant has not re-bloomed for me (it was in bloom when I got it) in 2 1/2 years now. It has a big root climbing out of the pot, and might want re-potting but I don't want to re-pot right now in case it is getting ready to make a spike. How long do I wait?