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Central Midwest Gardening: July 2011 Dry and Hot!, 1 by shortleaf

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Photo of July 2011 Dry and Hot!
shortleaf wrote:
A Water Garden tour would be nice. I worked on ours more today, that is a muddy, nasty job! The stagnant water in it stunk, then it and the mud would splash on me. I was desperately trying not to slide into the deep, muddiest hole that was full of stale rainwater. I think I got the 2 sides/shelves about done. I need to complete that job so I can plant about 50 plants in and around it.
Here it is after I was done working on it for the day. - I read that concrete blocks can leach out chemicals into the water, they will be under the liner. I ran across a photo of that hole from last Summer, (over a year ago). That kinda got me more motivated to finish it, I was thinking, "this is taking me too long!".

I agree, living in Joplin with so much to rebuild would be a major setback. When a big part of you're house is destroyed or the whole house, where do you even begin, and all you're stuff is also ruined? I like the bear too. Where does one even get a concrete bear?! I'd like to get a bear too someday! Alas, I'll have to settle for a little concrete placard that says, "Welcome to my garden"!

Well, I finally sold my pickup truck! I sold it on Craigslist, I got less than a third of what I paid for it 3 years ago. I got burned when I bought it then, I wasn't told about the oil leak. I disclosed that this time, but my honesty was appreciated, the guy even said he appreciated it. I said, "thanks, it should be part of selling a vehicle, I wish I was told".

A wedding in the Summer is gonna be a hot one! My brother got married in the Summer of 05', in Dallas, TX., I won't forget that, it was quite the scorcher!

I'm gonna have to get a new sweatband, the one I have is like a permanent light brown. Thats what happens I guess from touching it, wet, so much with dirty hands over 20 years or so!