Photo by Melody

Canadian Gardening: What's Happening in YOUR neck of the woods?chat with friends, 1 by Bettypauze

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Image Copyright Bettypauze

In reply to: What's Happening in YOUR neck of the woods?chat with friends

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Photo of What's Happening in YOUR neck of the woods?chat with friends
Bettypauze wrote:
She's a beauty ViolaAnn, can see why someone might want to borrow
Paul (BIL/Boss) has one..we went to the city a few weeks ago, his has all the bells and whistles as well and it was sooo comfy..

Can imagine the security Ottawa must have sure can pin point the RCMP, seem to have a walk all their own.

"M" how will she feel about lowering it that much, do you think she'll decide to stay when all is considered?

Think my mom and sister were addicted to watching that trial..needless to say after listening to the entire case, hearing same info as the jury they just could not believe the outcome.

Had to go to Garden Gallery at lunch to pick up bio pucks for the pond, promised myself I would walk in, buy the pucks, walk out and NO LOOKING around! Wouldn't you know, the pond supplies are in the back right where they are unloading the shrubs...

An astilbe, have all the colors except this one, just had to come bloom and it's the prettiest maroon/red...with taxes over $20. Should be able to divide come spring..