Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 91, 1 by 77sunset

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Image Copyright 77sunset

In reply to: TEA ROOM # 91

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM     # 91
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. A very windy night after a milder day yesterday. The sun was out for most of the day but the wind was cold.
Looks like more rain. The rivers and creeks are all starting to overflow again. No great danger of flood damage around here though. They usually just affect the paddocks. One thing about all the rain is that the farmers have lots of grass for their stock. Little lambs everywhere.

I saw yesterday, that we still have one of our magpies using small bits of wire to build her nest. Our old Mama bird used to beg from hubby all the time for the wire. Thin plastic coated copper wire that hubby uses miles of in his radio work.
The one here now must be one of Mamas offspring.
I put out lots of coconut fibre which they love. Its funny to see them tugging on the sheeps wool caught on fences too.

I am pleased with the way my garden is looking now. Lots of green and lots of buds. It is going to be a beautiful spring so I will have to get out and take lots of pics for a garden tour again in Spring.

Hello Charleen and Moon, also Louise , if you are around. I was a day early for your 4th of July. Never mind , have a happy day . Charley can have all the cookies he likes. He is such a good boy to stand still for his photos.

Hello Chrissy. I am learning my way around over there on the other site but it can get confusing around the forums.
I'll look for your advice to Colleen when I am in there.

Hello Colleen, hope you are getting a bit of sun and not the wind there.
How is your brom house going ? Mine are very happy in their greenhouse. They seem to have grown a lot and I have quite a few pups .

Hello Elaine, hope all is well with you.
Hello Pam and Karen. A bit of warm weather should help your aches etc.
Teresa, I do hope you are keeping warm there . How did the new heating go ?
Hello Anthony. Are you worn out planting bulbs yet ? It is going to look absolutely beautiful at your place when they all flower.

Not much is going to be done outside today so I will sit in the lounge and read.
Better see what I have for nibbles to put out for you all.
Boston Cream Pie, very American for our friends over there.

Happy gardening.