Photo by Melody

Central Midwest Gardening: June 2011- Heat, Sunshine and Rain, 1 by billyporter

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Photo of June 2011- Heat, Sunshine and Rain
billyporter wrote:
Crit, Babe is beautiful! I used to lurk on the Horse Forum, but can't remember who all posted.

Sorry about your migrane. I've never had one and hope your's went away.

Pepper, asphalt heat is the worst!!

The dianthus is gorgeous! I love the color combinations!

Will, I'll bet you beating him just makes him smile :o)

I have the before, just waiting for the after :o)

What can you do but throw up your hands, LOL! She come's up with some pretty good delusions. It's sure a shame her life is like this tho.

Laughing over the bathroom, but in a nice way :o)

Yes, I have a vine that got away from the trellis and hugs everything. It's weak so it won't pull down or kill anything. I need to dig a few sprouts while it's young to set under the Harry Lauder Walking Stick. It will look pretty there. It has shell ping blooms.

Well, speaking of cats, I have a sick one who won't eat. He goes to the vet today. I hope they can get him in early.

Petey just the other day.