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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 88, 1 by 77sunset

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 88
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. Hubby says it is a bit warmer this morning but I think he may be still half asleep. It feels just as cold to me.
Had my eggs for brekkie.. I just love that little egg cooker hubby bought for me. I can decide on either poached or boiled . It cooks them while I make the bed.
Congrats on the great score with Copper, Teresa, .
You are right about some people not knowing how to survive a disaster. Wonderful what some can do though. Human ingenuity is boundless when forced to the forefront .
I know most of our generation would manage but it is nice to know many of the younger ones take notice of what the "oldies "talk about.
Colleen, I was thinking a while ago that the carpet needs a run. We can all get away from the cold for a while.
I would love to see Louise at her beautiful house again and spend a bit more time visiting Charleen and the long ears.
When picking up Anthony, he could show us the chocolate factory.
I Think Teresa would like to get out of the bumpety bumps for a while too.
Dianne, are you going to join us ?
Pam and Karen will have to jump on as we swoop down.
We will definitely see Chrissy and her brother.
I must get the carpet out and check its working okay.
Work out who and what you all want to see and we'll leave when you are all ready.
I , of course, will be taking along my empty suitcases, just in case I see a plant or two ( or 3 or 4.....)
I will drive on the way over but someone else can drive on the way back.
Tell me when you are all ready so I can get the carpet warmed up.
Have a great day everyone and keep warm.
Try a slice of this Devils Food Cake.