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Carolina Gardening: what's eating my Palmate Hibiscus? help!, 1 by rednyr

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Image Copyright rednyr

Subject: what's eating my Palmate Hibiscus? help!

Forum: Carolina Gardening

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Photo of what's eating my Palmate Hibiscus? help!
rednyr wrote:
I feel stupid to ask - I am sure I should the answer - but I'm a bit frazzled today with the storms coming (predicting hail...yea us) I spent the morning putting containers and pots under eves (ummm I did an inventory last week - 586 plants...)

Anyways - last year it was the jap. beetle that won on the Palmate - I finally just said let it go it will come back next year - so what is this on the leaves? Is it a bug that is inside it? any thoughts on how to rid the plant of it? so far there's just this one leaf but we all know how that goes!