Photo by Melody

Herbs: Mints, more than just peppermint and spearmint, 1 by ButterflyChaser

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Photo of Mints, more than just peppermint and spearmint
ButterflyChaser wrote:
Tikipod, thank you so much for the offer of seeds. I have lots of seeds, but I just haven't had time to bother with them. But while I was writing this email, a new friend of mine has gotten into growing from seeds like crazy! He tickles me. We met here on Daves actually. He just called and said he'd grow my seeds for us. He also loves propagating by cuttings and I don't. So he's going to take cuttings of some of the things I ahve too.

I'm one of those "instant gratification" gals. I want it NOW. I don't want to wait for it to sprout. I'm so happy to have a new friend who will do the part I have no patience for. His Mother-in-law used to propagate roses by cuttings. I'm hoping we can get her back into that. I have several roses I'd love duplicates of.

I too am willing to trade some of my proflific mints for perennials, climbing roses for wedding garden, named hardy hibiscus, or butterfly bushes that I don't have.

The mints I can share currently are:

spice (have lots, so you'll get a good sized hunk - not some little sprig)
blackberry (have lots, so again, you'll get a good sized hunk)
ginger - small rooted starts, it has just come up and is barely an inch tall while my others are already 6 or 8 or even 12 inches
silver - small amount
Julia's sweet citrus - limited quantity
a mint I lost the tag to - not spearmint or peppermint, one of the exotic mints I collected, thought it died, along with others, pulled the tags, then this one came back up.
Lemon Balm - not really a mint - but I love the lemon scent - have lots

I also have named daylilies to trade if anyone is interested.

Most of my other mints are either new or not prolific yet. If seriously interested, I MIGHT be able to get you a small rooted start of one of them though.

I'm looking for well-rooted plant as well--no cuttings or seeds. They don't have to be big plants, just well-rooted so I don't have to baby them for weeks before planting.

Lady Ashley, Ginger mint seems to be a bit more fragile than the other mints, doesn't it. Mine has some beautiful yellow variegation here and there. Usually variegation is the result of a virus being introduced to create the variegation. So it could be that this little mint is just stressed from the virus. I think it grows out of it once it gets bigger and stronger, but it sure gets off to a slow start each year for me. And then suddenly I'm overrun with it. What a delightful fragrance!!

This message was edited May 8, 2011 9:28 AM