Photo by Melody

Tropicals & Tender Perennials: Dyckia, 1 by digital_dave

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Photo of Dyckia
digital_dave wrote:
It's a Dyckia. There are Orthophytums that look somewhat similar but they almost always have a discerable stem.
These guys are tough. This picture is a very small part of an Argentina landscape I shot in November 2008. There were thousands and thousands of them (still not sure which one) covering the hillsides. They are subjected to a lot of frost here and very dry conditions. I can attest that they develop very extensive root systems which is their survival strategy. Yes, they do have fleshy leaves but they can olny hold so much moisture.

Most growers will tell you that they like big pots - and they certainly will develop a very large root system. Just because they survive in the high desert doesn't mean they like it (or won't do better with more moisture). I've killed my share of Dyckias in the greenhouse only because I fell victim to the thought that "...they're desert plants and don't need much water." (Most of these were in small pots.) If you grow tham in small pots just water them as if they weren't desert plants - they will be very happy.