Photo by Melody

Memory Garden: (Floridian) Stacey Cyrus, 1 by melody

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Image Copyright melody

Subject: (Floridian) Stacey Cyrus

Forum: Memory Garden

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Photo of (Floridian) Stacey Cyrus
melody wrote:
Our friend Stacey, known to all of DG as Floridian joined us on June, 4, 2001. She was an avid gardener and an advocate for native plants.
Stacey understood that shrinking wild areas were threatening wildlife and native insects and encouraged gardeners to use them instead of non-natives that might escape and cause problems.
Her skillful photographs captured the beauty of native plants and weeds and we are proud to have her 1079 images in Plantfiles.
She also contributed to our other databases with 62 images in BugFiles and 73 images in BirdFiles. She leaves us with a legacy of these beautiful photographs and her obvious love of nature. She unselfishly shared her gift with us and helped build the community to what it is today.
Her legacy does not stop there, as she was a teacher to many, and a friend to all. Many of us count her as a personal friend, as she attended many DG gatherings and Roundups.
Her sunny personality and giving nature earned her many real-life friendships in the community. She fought her illness with courage and grace, inviting us to share the journey with her.

Rest in peace my friend. We will miss you. A special thank-you to Gardenwife for the picture of Stacey taken at the 2008 KYRU

Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. ~Ansel Adams