Photo by Melody

Coleus: Almost Spring! How are the cuttings doing?, 1 by lincolnitess

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Image Copyright lincolnitess

Subject: Almost Spring! How are the cuttings doing?

Forum: Coleus

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Photo of Almost Spring!  How are the cuttings doing?
lincolnitess wrote:
Just took time to pinch back my coleus cuttings this morning and take a good look at them. Overall, most of them are looking good, considering they have spent the winter in front of a Southwest window with no added light and only got water when they started to wilt. Looks like I'm ending up with about 40 coleus, and 4 Persian Shields and 4 lantana that were also started from cuttings. Just about the right amount for my pots and a few left over for bedding plants.

How did the rest of you do with yours overwinter?
