Photo by Melody
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Daylilies: Cost of building beds., 1 by Casshigh

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Image Copyright Casshigh

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Photo of Cost of building beds.
Casshigh wrote:
Here you can see a large sink that was being thrown away from my husband's school, and he brought it home. I have made a planter from it and have it resting on a large pine stump. To the right you can see more of the terraced beds (dips). Notice the irregular lengths in the middle of the picture. These are the tops of creosote fence posts (different lengths) that David brought home one day. Someone we knew had put up new fences around their cow pasture, and they were going to throw these away. They were piled up here in the way once we started cleaning out the back while working toward building the cabin. We had had a neighbor come in earlier with his bobcat and terrace this particular area. One day my imagination invisioned a defined wall there using those irregular fence post tops. I have come to like it,because it breaks up all the horizonal walls that the eye sees when looking up the hill.