Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for the novices and addicts, Nov-Dec 2010, 1 by perke_patch

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Image Copyright perke_patch

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of Bromeliads for the novices and addicts, Nov-Dec 2010
perke_patch wrote:
Hi Colleen. Like Karen I find that pink one in the centre interesting.

I had a nice visit with my sister today. She is down from Hervey Bay for a wedding this weekend. It's always nice to have a face to face chat instead of over the phone. When we reach that age when health problems start to arise we need to grab every chance to chat and tell a loved one we love them cause you don't know how many more opportunities you will get. That's a bit deep and meaningful ....

We went up to check out the new shopping centre this morning. Took Emily along and stupidly told her they would probably have things like jumping castle etc for the grand opening. Nup just the Jim Beam racing car with a boot full of freebies but you had to buy some Jim Beam to get a freebie. Anyway we are drinking Jim Beam this xmas. We got a big Jim Beam flag for our son's bar. We tried an Urban Burger but for nearly $10 a burger I don't think we will rush back too often. IGA and bakery will be handy .... just up the road a bit ... walking distance.

We put up our Christmas lights this afternoon. Solar lights need 24-48 hours to charge up so we will turn them on tomorrow night. Went to set up the blow up Santa I bought at clearanc sales last year only to find he is a remote control santa on wheels. We can't wait for Emily to come back tomorrow so Santa can come rolling out of the bedrooms and scare the s...t out of her. Pa had to go with her yesterday to sit on Santa's knee so she could get the book he was offering her. She is still scared of him but getting better.

Sue I couldn't help but to take another photo of my neo megan as she is showing even more pink. I think this is about photo#5 or #6 now but she keeps getting better and better so I just have to take one more.

I have invited a couple of new people to join this forum. I know that one couple have been reading but not ready to share yet so welcome Ray and Jenny from Hervey Bay. Look forward to your first entry.
