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Propagation: Plant propagation part XXII based on my own experience, 1 by WormsLovSharon

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Image Copyright WormsLovSharon

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Photo of Plant propagation part XXII based on my own experience
WormsLovSharon wrote:
Well Evelyn, you will be the belle of the all. Have a wonderful time.

Jnette, my neighbors love fried green tomatoes. You could find the recipe on the food network. Type in "What do you do with green tomatoes". Google will tell you.

Dave, you think faster than you can type. I love you just the way you are. Do not change.

I went to the greenhouse yesterday and today. My partner and myself met the owner because we did not know how to operate the cooling and fans. He showed us and really wants us to have fun and grow what ever we want. I think he is done, Just a toy to him. I took some photos. We have about 1/2 of the greenhouse in planters. The rest is empty.

Evelyn, the double bloom oleanders are only about 1' tall. Not in bloom. Do you want a photo of the cutting with roots?

Vern is doing better but his blood pressure today is 150/80. He did not get up until noon. I had a meeting this morning so when I got home I assumed he was upstairs in his "man" cave. I delivered our taxes to the accountant. I drove by 3 very large nurseries and did not stop. I, at this time, do not need another plant. I am so far behind in this thread I might have to start from here. I have a whole bunch to do tomorrow.

The weather today was beautiful. High of 88 and clear blue skies. I will work in the garden tomorrow and get my winter vegetables planted and dig up a few more roots.
Later friends.

I am now going to post a few photos. First one is to heirloom tomatoes in the greenhouse. That is not my arm. It belongs to the young man that is my partner.

This message was edited Oct 11, 2010 9:56 PM