Photo by Melody

Mid-Atlantic Gardening: May Blooms, 1 by Gitagal

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Image Copyright Gitagal

In reply to: May Blooms

Forum: Mid-Atlantic Gardening

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Photo of May Blooms
Gitagal wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions.....
My camellia has had these leaf problems for the last 3 starts developing around early winter and by bloom time, many of the affected leaves will have dropped off. many still remain.
it does give the shrub an unruly appearance, as the leaves that fall off are from last year's growth--so to the inside of the bush.
The new growth will be fine and unaffected until next Winter--when all this starts up again.

Last fall--I spread a lot of coffee grinds and pine needles under it. Just a week ago, I drenched it with an Iron solution.

My Camellia is about 12 years old. It is "Bob Hope"--a very pretty double/tripple red. Almost looks like a Peony....

This shot is from 08. I have photos somewhere of the affected leaves--just cannot find them right now.....
Gotta run! G.