Photo by Melody

California Gardening: Daily Walks, 1 by SingingWolf

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Photo of Daily Walks
SingingWolf wrote:
This is where my Eldest son took over. Being very proud of digging the channel out to clear the water away from the base of the power pole, he was naturally very proud of his achievement. He started taking photos for me, because I was done.
I was out of energy, because I also had to dig a channel so the driveway would naturally drain. DH built up the end of the driveway when ES was about 4 or 5.
You see, ES left something in the truck and went inside to retrieve it, then he accidently knocked the truck out of gear. The truck being on a slope, rolled slowly backward into the creek.
Meanwhile my YS is running into the house screaming about his brother and the truck rolling over him. Well we made tracks outside to check out the situation. We found the truck, but not ES. We looked all over for him. Seems like he was scared of getting into trouble because of the accident. So the little stinker was hiding.
He'd bailed out, scraped his arm on the dumpster that used to be by that gate. I think he lost one of his teeth and had a couple of scrapes and a good scare.
I forced myself to remember to use the parking brake when I park there, and DH built the berm. After we found the little guy, and I calmed him down, giving hugs and "ficcing owwies", DH had already gotten on the phone and called AAA.
When the driver arrived, he saw YS being a clingon, ES in my arms, and DH very calmly explaining how his truck got into the creek. The tow truck driver looked at DH and said, "You sure are taking this well." DH replied, "I'm just thankful my son wasn't hurt, the truck can be replaced, but not my kid."
Look at him now, growing and maturing. It's a humbling experience. Welcomed too! : - )
From here on you'll be seeing the farm through his eyes.

This is where our farm road crosses the creek.