Photo by Melody

Michigan Gardening: Frustrated Michigander, 1 by deann

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Image Copyright deann

In reply to: Frustrated Michigander

Forum: Michigan Gardening

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Photo of Frustrated Michigander
deann wrote:
For those of you who would love a Greenhouse.......think again......I myself am fortunate to have wonderful son in law built it for me. Its 12 x 12 and the first two years I had it, it was great. Then the price of propane went up, and it got to the point where it was not worth heating it in the winter to grow. I figured, I could buy a whole lot of plants for what I paid to keep it heated. Now, I just use it starting in March/April, when I start to plant my seeds, and I still do not heat it, I just keep the seeds covered.

So think again about a Greenhouse.....If you have extra cash, then go for it....but it does become very expensive.
