Photo by Melody

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Photo of Fuchsia helpful links and FAQ's
Here is the Planting instructions that Monnier's Country Gardens provides.

How to Plant a "Hardy" Fuchsia
Start by choosing a wll drained location. More fuchsias are lost to wet feet than cold in the Willamette Valley. Your spot can be anything from shady to full sun. Your spot will require watering in the summer.
To help make your fuchsia "Hardy", they should be planted deep like a tomato. We recommend sinking the crown 4-6" below the soil surface (See Fig #2) or 1/2 the plant height on your smaller plants (See Fig #1). DO NOT FEAR This! Your fuchsias will be happy you gave them the extra protection.
When planting add 1/4 cup of an all purpose fertilizer like 16-16-16 and 1 cup of organic matter (compost or alfalfa pellets like we use). Mix 1/2 of the amendments in the bottom of the hole and the other 1/2 in the backfill. Water thoroughly.
Winter care is easy! After the first fall frost, add a layer of mulch to your plants. Don't be afraid to use 4-6". Sometime during the dormant period cut the plants back. We go down to about 6". A minimum would be 1/2 the previous years growth. Around the middle of February start peeking under the mulch to see if the new stems are coming up out of the ground. Remove the mulch when you see the new growth. Be Patient! Some like to rest longer than others.