Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: I need fast growing Shade Tree advice, 1 by franknjim

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Image Copyright franknjim

Subject: I need fast growing Shade Tree advice

Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of I need fast growing Shade Tree advice
franknjim wrote:
I currently have two large Silver Maples (2’ & 3’ diameter trunks) in my front yard which are slowly dying that provide shade for my hostas. I am seeking suggestions for shade trees that will work in zone 5a.

The Silver Maples have very bad surface roots which had lifted the sidewalk. They have “Flat Roots” that stay at the surface.

I need either trees with “Heart Roots” or with “Tap Roots”.

I have a small front yard facing East about 30’ x 40’ and the existing Silver Maples have to stay for now to provide shade for my hostas. My yard gets both morning and afternoon sun as many of the branches (6” to 10” thick) of the Maples have broken off. More break off with every major storm and weak branches have bent down.

There is about 15’ between the existing trees and the house where new trees can be planted that gets the early morning and mid afternoon sun and about 30’ between the trees.

Even if I have to plant multiple smaller trees, that is fine. I just need to create a canopy that will not grow too big for my space, grow into the roof of the house or lift the sidewalk or driveway. Eventually the Silver Maples will be removed.

I need a variety/varieties that does not have surface roots, does not create sucker plants throughout the yard, does not have fruits or nuts, does not make huge messes with broken limbs, has long life and can make dense shade.

I am currently using a 35’ x 10’ piece of shade cloth across the front of the house to shield the hostas from the afternoon sun when it shines down between the existing trees and the house for about 3 to 4 hours a day. The shade cloth is very ugly and very temporary.

My sewer line is in the front yard so I can’t do any willows. Honey Locusts do not make dense shade. I do like ornamental foliage & colored foliage. I don’t care for the mess that Magnolia flowers make. Tulip Trees get too big. Sycamores make messes with limbs and get big.

Having the Silver Maples has made me a little hesitant of Maples. I understand that Silvers and Norways are the worst with surface roots.

Trees with surface roots: Birch, Fir, Spruce, Sugar Maple, Cottonwood, Silver Maple, Hackberry.

Trees with tap roots: Hickory, Walnut, Butternut, White Oak, Hornbeam.

Trees with heart roots: Red Oak, Honey Locust, Basswood, Sycamore, Pines.

I have been researching different trees and I plan on picking up a few with approximately 2” thick trunks next week. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
