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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: Bromeliads for the novice and the serious addicts #4, 1 by weed_woman

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In reply to: Bromeliads for the novice and the serious addicts #4

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of Bromeliads for the novice and the serious addicts #4
weed_woman wrote:
Hi all, sorry Mike, right off the mark with that one and Leisa, its not a Neoregelia. Shall I give you a clue? It has a flower spike.
Mike, I know nothing! I can't get purples to print/show purple either, they are always a bit blue. Do you have an editing programme? The trick might be to adjust the hue, going away from blue to more reds. Because blue and red make purple, your red hue might be a bit lacking. Just a thought.
Leisa, your plant looks almost identical to Mikes! Is it the size his gets to? I think yours must get more light than Mikes, hence not as much contrast between the variegated stripes and the green. Then again, maybe its Mike 'Blue Hue' he he. No idea on the name, but really nice! Your NOID Aechmea is also Mary brettish. I guess you'll just have to enjoy them without a name for awhile. You might just stumble accross one, one day and find it. Leisa, can you take yours to your next meeting and ask?
Hello again Jean/Moon (sticking to that because Sunset is also Jean) You'll soon be addicted like the rest of us no doubt! he he. Luckily there is no cure, unless lack of money is it?
Hello our Jean, you're in the same boat as Leisa. I know you're enjoying your NOID too.
I'll post the same pic again so you don't have to go back and forwards. Another clue..........its a species cultivar (ie, not crossed between species)