Photo by Melody

Tropical Zone Gardening: Hibiscus Mystery, 1 by Islandshari

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Image Copyright Islandshari

Subject: Hibiscus Mystery

Forum: Tropical Zone Gardening

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Photo of Hibiscus Mystery
Islandshari wrote:
Hello friends! A while back Randy asked me to contribute to his blog with an article on Hibiscus. I was flattered, and agreed...then life entered the picture and I didn't get the article done. Now I have a mystery that, until I can get it solved, I don't feel qualified to write about anything!

This beautiful hib, is now a quarter of its size in this picture. For some reason, a few of my hibs are dying from the top down. The whole plant will look happy and healthy, but the top couple of inches will be dead and brown. I cut off the affected area, and a couple of weeks later, the same thing happens. I have read everything I could find, checked for bugs, checked the soil, I can't find any explanation! This really has me crazy, because I do love my hibs...and this one is so pretty...was so pretty. At first the problem was only with this one, but now it seems to be affecting many of my other hibs, and I am frantic!

Any ideas? Please??
