Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: Disabled Gardeners Still Laughing With Joy, 1 by BirdieBlue

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Image Copyright BirdieBlue

In reply to: Disabled Gardeners Still Laughing With Joy

Forum: Accessible Gardening

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Photo of Disabled Gardeners  Still Laughing With Joy
BirdieBlue wrote:
Ok, I need some asssistance here-
what is this "(jim/ not Jim) deal at the beginningof any Kudzu entry?
How do you get sound out of a Conch shell? (a have a few and want to try. Played clarinet once upon a time ago)
I'm wondering how much fire insurance for Scraps for 6 month policy would be? I'd be very pleased to make a donation as an open house gift. Many people do house warming parties and that would be a reasonable request for "donation in lieu of gift"
Blowing cool air toward Steph (standing in front of A/c & open freezer door , Elvis must be blowwint to a he is ever at my side!) :-)
I too cannot remember any compter actions that require the control key + a letter. BUT there is an easier (for me at least ) way to cut & paiste-
-simply highlight whatever you want to ct or copy, then with curser over the highlighted area, right click--
--that should bring a dropdown that you choose (by left clicking the mouse) copy, cut etc.------click copy .
ok--now go to wherever you want to copy it to and place the cursor where you want the copied address or whatever to begin-----right click the mouse, again you will get that drop down menu-----so now left click the choice for paiste--(*make sure you have placed the blinking cursor where it is to be paisted or it might end up somewhere else on your page)
BTW, here is a neat gardening idea I want to share with I copied it...and now I'll paiste it!

To get rid of those types of plants in a place you don’t want them I do the following. I have some plants (like some cone flowers and oregano) that want to take over and it works well. I have a hummingbird and butterfly area, an herb garden and plants that are resistant to trampling by dogs so I have to keep some tough ones in line.

Put on a rubber or latex glove, over that put on a cotton glove, then just dip your fingers in some Roundup, and lovingly pet the plant you don’t want. Be careful it’s not dripping on the ones that you do. Soon you’ll find that the ones that you so lovingly petted will be dead. (c:

You can also use one of those little cotton round ball glass washers to apply to plants near other plants but I like to trim that down a little with scissors before I use it so it’s easier to use and not so likely to drip.

Be sure to let them die off and then just pull out and throw away. This will also kill any runners that are attached to the plants you want gone~~~

Isn't that a great trick!!

{{{hugs to all}}}

Oh, I nearly forgot-
Elvis has a weather report of Sunny & HOT (note the page he is reading) and the 5day forcast + entire USA colored red!