Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Brown edges on gardenia blooms, 1 by JBerger

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Image Copyright JBerger

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Photo of Brown edges on gardenia blooms
JBerger wrote:
A few weeks ago I got a Gardenia Tree and it had a dozen or more buds on it. I had it in my bird room for a few weeks and NOTHING happened except some of the buds were no happy, brown edges, etc. I decided it needed more sunshine. I put it on the south deck and watered it daily, alot of water. Sometimes more than I have ever watered a plant before, but I had no idea what the root system looked like and was not going to disturb it until those buds opened. Within a few days, the change happened. The entire plant perked up and the buds began to open and the flowers were perfect. Just yesterday I took this...some of you have seen other pics of this plant but this is just so beautiful I had to take more. I would suggest you put it in the sun, give it lots of water and a shot of Chantells suggestions. Then Pray. Keep us posted because this is not an unusual problem but there are so many different reasons for it. Gardners are like doctors, we try and figure out problems one step at a time. Good Luck. JB