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Shade Gardening: Newbie with a shade garden, 1 by Noreaster

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Forum: Shade Gardening

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Photo of Newbie with a shade garden
Noreaster wrote:
Debbie, your shade garden looks wonderful.

I'm relatively happy with the daylilies that I have, which are grown in more shade than they want. Yes, they do lean...but they bloom quite a bit, so I don't mind. My shade is high, so it doesn't feel deep and dark or anything. They don't multiply like gangbusters like the ones in the sun, but they do bloom quite a bit. I know the DL's WOULD be happier in more sun, but since I can't give it to them, I'm just happy to have them at all.

I moved one to the side of my house which gets sun til 1, then total shade from the house for the rest of the day, and one of those clumps has put out tons of scapes already..very early for me. So that one appears happy there.

I completely redid my DL bed last year and will be curious to see what I get this year. This is a pic from last year...I've gotten rid of the yellow-orange ones and added more purples. I've also added some to a predominately hosta bed, so I am anxious to see what happens there, too. Hopefully they will bloom because I really want some color in with the hosta. This bed only gets late afternoon sun..