Photo by Melody

Irises: How many of you grow Spuria Iris?, 1 by hespiris

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In reply to: How many of you grow Spuria Iris?

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Photo of How many of you grow Spuria Iris?
hespiris wrote:
Snowpeak Iris and Wildwood Gardens (both in OR) and Jim Hedgecock of Comanche Acres Iris out in MO (1st VP for the Spuria Iris Society) have them on their site's with pictures ... always fun to look!

Dave Niswonger, who breed Adriatic Blue is out in MO too and can be found through AIS's (American Iris Society) page of links for Region 18. I know Chuck Chapman up in Canada grows and sell them too... so they're out there to be bought - all encouraging for those of us with winters.

Most newly planted plants like to be kept dampish until they get themselves situated in the soil... maybe for a week or two depending on your conditions. But as mentioned - once set and they get going - you can pretty much leave them alone. May want to give them a little winter mulch since you may not get much snow where you are.

The clumps can get huge in a few years time - so plant them where they will most likely stay. To dig it up could involve pickaxe, chainsaw and pole driller!

I too am interested in getting Spuria into my garden as I saw my one and only in VA a few years ago - Amanda's Eyes. I think too many people get stuck on Tall Bearded and rarely think of branching out into the other types.