Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 22, 1 by 77sunset

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 22
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone. I am late putting out the yummies as I had to stop and read all the posts. isn't it great that one has to read so many. I love to hear all about the different gardens with their problems and solutions. So much help given by everyone. I have already been over and moved the Tea Room back to the road , but had to come here and put up the signpost.
I do envy all of you with lots of fruit trees. i am past the stage of growing new ones as I don't want to wait years for any fruit. Hubby planted a lot here when he bought the place . Being a non garden type and not having me around then, the tree situation was very haphazard. He planted what he thought he would like and what he was given by a seller who saw him coming. We have a fenceline of the worst gum trees you would want. Always branches falling over and leaving huge spiky seed pods to break your ankles on. There were also wattles , but not the soft pretty ones. These were in a competition to see how high they could grow without falling down. Thank goodness we were able to have them cut down finally. There are still a lot of various eucalypts that haunt me everytime I look at them. i would like to chainsaw them all off at the bottom , but am way past that age now. I have to bear with them.
The fruit trees were anther disaster. Hubby likes apples and planted 7 of them I have not had one apple from the trees. One was grown from a seed and never fruited, one was some sort of unknown thing which tasted awful, two succumbed to some sort of disease and one just died ( could have been the Roundup I spilled on it, ha ha )
The Granny Smith is still here but never comes to anything and the last was supposed to be a triple grafted but I have only ever seen the Golden delicious part have fruit. The birds eat them as fast as they grow.
We do have a blood plum that is very tasty. I do manage a feed before the birds. There is a peach that has improved over the last few years. I beat the birds to those too. It was a pitiful tree at first but has tripled in size now.
Nectarines are no problem. There was a big old tree here and I have planted several self sown ones from it. They are as big as the parent now and full of fruit. The birds don't touch them at all until the very last and by then I have had enough. We also have the grapes which just go to feed the birds. They are not really good ones anyway. they make a nice green shady area though.
Today will be warm hopefully, after the fog lifts. I am going to plant out a few small seedlings and then relax and contemplate . Better put out something nice. You will notice that i put the wrong number up on the Tea Room sign, but put it down to a granny moment.
I didn't see Lesley or Marleneann out there. They must be off doing important things. kat will be wandering around the jungle and I hope she hasn't slid down that steep gully.
Enjoy these. Bread Pudding muffins
Happy gardening all.