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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 22, 1 by weed_woman

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 22
weed_woman wrote:
Hullo fellow gardenizz!
Dropping in for a cuppa and a squiz at whats going on. A new face since I was here last?
Hello Helen! I hope you are enjoying the tea room. I loved the succulents in the little pots. I used to have many also, but have since freed them into various spots in the garden
Hello to Colleen, Googling 'Puya + mail order' should get you a response. Sometimes they come up on Ebay also.
Hi Chrissy, Your garden is looking colourful as always.
Shelly, I use envelopes for seeds that I intend to use sooner, rather than later. I always write the collection date on it too. I haven't really tried storage for a length of time, but imagine Chrissy's italian rellos and stakes ideas on the glass jars is a goer, as long as the seeds are properly dried before storage and kept cool and dry.
Lesley, how are things over there in Gisbourne? I hope the weather is being nice to you.
Marleneanne, I wish i had a Fred! lOL. Actually, my Bill is out mulching the leaves with the mower. I used the blower this morning to clear the gum leaves from the paths. Did the storms get as high as the Sunshine Coast?
Stake, mmm Tomatos! I wondered what Mallee gums looked like, as we had them for sale as tube stock at our Tafe annual plant sale. I should have grabbed a couple!
Hi Sammut, your Mandevilla is looking very lush! You must have the magic touch when it comes to gardening!
Hi Jean,Whats on the menu? A lovely pic of your Epi blooms. There was no sugar cookies left when I looked! I think Marleneaane and Lesley got there before me.
I have visitors arriving this arvie, so it's only a short visit, but I will leave you with a picture of my Hoya, which is in it's second flush!