Photo by Melody

European Gardening: Are US Zones the same in Europe?, 1 by Larayne66

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Image Copyright Larayne66

In reply to: Are US Zones the same in Europe?

Forum: European Gardening

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Photo of Are US Zones the same in Europe?
Larayne66 wrote:
David will be back with me in Norfolk next Friday so we can then decide what to do about next summer. Already we have planted lots of bulbs for Spring but ONE of the plant types I collect is giant californian fuchsias (with blooms 4" across) so I will have to find a new supplier as the one I have used hitherto (Oxtoby Fuchsias in North Cave) has retired. I hear that there is a good one in Wisbech but the name escapes me at present. David is bringing my helleborous orientalis and a pieris with him. I've got some nice shrubs growing here for winter (abelia, hebe autumn glory, and skimmia) and some roses are still in bloom.

At present my bathroom looks like a jungle. There are two tall umbrella plants, two prolific azaleas, and a huge aloe vera plant on a ledge in there. I bought the foliage plants when they were about 4" tall and that was in the summer. They are well over 36" tall now. The aloe has been repotted three times and is suddenly growing two plants underneath it. I do not know what kind of a plant they are but they each have three shoots poking through the soil that are 1.5" high.

I must leave this now as someone is letting off fireworks outside and my staffie is scared witless and trying to get under the computer desk, which is only a couple of inches off the floor...

Here is a photo of some of my indoor plants, although they go outside for the summer so they can get the sunshine.
