Photo by Melody

Georgia Gardening: When to expect freeze warning in Atlanta?, 1 by hcmcdole

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hcmcdole wrote:
Give coleus lots of light and they should do okay. You can cut them back hard if you want to. I typically treat them as annuals due to shelf space indoors.

Some amaryllis are hardier than others. I have two in the ground that are supposedly hardy (johnsonii and voodoo) and just wimping along yet I see other yards full of hardy amaryllis. I have 20+ pots of amaryllis too but always bring them in, cut back the foliage, and put them on a top shelf with no lights and water maybe once a month. When I see new foliage, I get them down, water deeply, and move them to an area with more light where they will soon sprout bloom stalks.

Set up some shelves with fluorescent lights and a timer to help get your plants through winter. I am running about 60+ shop lights and house around 500 pots (mostly begonias). Some tropicals are hardier than others and I store these on their sides under a tarp beneath our deck. They get no light and no water for 5 to 6 months. You will have to experiment if you want to go this route but here are some I've overwintered this way - some ferns, cordylines, bird of paradise (strelitzia), tree philodendron, variegated shell ginger, and ponytail palm. Perhaps if I watered them once a month, others (such as ferns) might've survived. Even Spathiphyllum (peace lilies) have decided to come back from the dead after I tossed them on the compost heap.