Photo by Melody

Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening: DAILY BUTTERFLIES Page 40, 1 by mellielong

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Forum: Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening

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mellielong wrote:
Meredith, I'm so glad you mentioned the anise hyssop. That's another common name for the agastache I bought at Lowe's. It was covered in skippers and bees, so I'm glad to see the larger butterflies take advantage of it as well. By the way, both my parents said the smell was really familiar and that they thought they might have made a tea out of it back in the day. And FYI, another common name is hummingbird mint, so let's hope it attracts some of those as well!

Kim, sorry I forgot to warn you about unrolling those leaves! I've "discovered" my fair share of spiders as well. It's like the lottery - eventually you'll hit the jackpot and find a caterpillar! Glad to see you have a host plant for your skipper there. It's neat to see another skipper uses the desmodium. If it wasn't a host plant it would be another weed I yank out of the garden. But I'm letting it grow in my weedy area down by the road and it seems to be staying there despite all the complaints about its invasiveness. Right now I'm feeding it to what I believe are my Long-Tailed Skipper cats. Here's one of them rolled up in his leaf. You can even see the silk holding it together!