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Perennials: Advise for perennial to use as replacement, 1 by Sherrygirl

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Image Copyright Sherrygirl

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Sherrygirl wrote:
Wow, lots of great ideas here! Thanks guys. ;o)

I know that perennials need to be mixed and I have many already mixed in this bed. But I am just trying to replace the petunias with something showy and that bloom from mid July through at least August. I know it's a tall order. ;o) I am leaning toward the dwarf monardas. I have never grown monarda, but have always admired photos of them.

lisabees, you are right. There are a couple of smaller types of monarda. Looks like it might work.

Goldenberry, thanks for the info. Do you happen to have a photo of your smaller monarda? I agree about the verbena bonariensis. I already have a little of it in this bed. But I think the monarda would be a better replacement for the petunias. The monarda seem to be more showy and have the more bushy form like petunias. At least that's what it looks like in the photos I see. And I agree about the salvia too. I already have some in this bed. ;o) But it blooms it's little heart out, then I have to chop it down and get sporatic blooms after that. I'm waiting to see how well it will rebloom since I chopped it off. So you see, many of your ideas are already in this bed. ;o)

sammigirl, I love your 'blue clips' campanula carpatica! But are they still blooming in August? Very striking flowers!

I found another small monarda called 'Petite Wonder'. It looks like it might just fit perfectly in place of the petunias.

Anyway, some great ideas! Here's the photo with the salvia blooming in this bed.
