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Weather: July Daily Weather,Part II Have some lemonade!, 1 by marsue

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Image Copyright marsue

In reply to: July Daily Weather,Part II Have some lemonade!

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Photo of July Daily Weather,Part II Have some lemonade!
marsue wrote:
Deb: your pups are adorable! Thanks for the compliment--LOL!
Adina: how exciting! You are moving and you also have a yard that is a "clean slate"--just think of the flowers you can plant there! That field of sunflowers is beautiful--do they grow them to sell the seeds?
Kelli: once again you have taken us along on another of your interesting hikes. I so enjoy learning about the different trees and flowers, etc. in your area and the photos of the burned-out houses are a reminder that the "wood, hay and stubble" will be burned up but what is built on the "rock" remains.

It was cooler yesterday due to an overcast sky and a "cool" front but today we are back to our July weather pattern: Hot and sunny
High 89°F
Precip 10%
Wind: NE 6 mph
Max. Humidity: 49%
UV Index: 10+ Extreme
Sunrise: 6:05 AM CT
Avg. High: 91°F
Record High: 107°F (1980)
Overnight Low 64°F
Precip 10%
Wind: NE 4 mph
Max. Humidity: 71%
Sunset: 8:22 PM CT
Avg. Low: 69°F
Record Low: 58°F (1967)

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