Photo by Melody
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Weather: Spring - The Rebirth has Begun, 1 by DebinSC

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Image Copyright DebinSC

In reply to: Spring - The Rebirth has Begun

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Photo of Spring - The Rebirth has Begun
DebinSC wrote:
Kelli: Wow! That's an amazing place! Nice shot!
Ric: I'd almost prefer the "S" word. :) You have an assortment of spring bloomers! Very pretty.

Beautiful today. Must be 80. A bit blustery, but sunny. Still hoping the forecast changes. I have tropicals growing all over the place and there may not be enough "laundry" in the house to cover everything.

Spent the morning trimming back ivy, watering, repotting, etc. The ivy trimming is hard on the old bones when they're used to non-strenuous winter gardening! LOL. Think I'll go have a nap.

Here are some "Million Bells" that came back from last year.