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Vines and Climbers: Growing Dutchman's Pipes, 1 by GordonHawk

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Image Copyright GordonHawk

In reply to: Growing Dutchman's Pipes

Forum: Vines and Climbers

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Photo of Growing Dutchman's Pipes
GordonHawk wrote:
Oh..Thanks Jana..
It wasn't so heavy... about 110 lbs by measure,,
OH.. we've a small building.. a store and three upper floors..I have the top floor.. with deaded access to the roof ..Ij ust have to maintain it as my expence.. we are a con-dop.. needless to say thisis aresult of the store being the law offices of the principal.. the firm.. and the three upper units are in a two person condominum arrangement us and them.... us ... the top residental units are a co-op arrangment.. together in that mentioned condominum..
any way..negoation would be a major undertaking..the stairs keep the members of a younger if not healthir bunch.. I gugess it's time to sell out then... if the market wasn't so strange.. although in this area it's hot.. always.. well at least perking.. we've 10 blocks of botique eaterys on the next street. it's like having a home with 40 different complete kitchens ..cooks ..assistants and service staff at your disposal in the next wing of your home ....each cooking a different cusine..coking each night wheather or not you come in .....or call and ask them to bring it upstairs.. to you.. Then there's another 40 in the extended area... all ready at your beck n call.. it would be difficult to maintain such a personal staff in the country..I doubt any do..seems there's a market for it... With a city view garden.
No elev.ator.. Gordon