Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi Chronicles: Adventures At the Backyard Buffet, 1 by DreamOfSpring

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Image Copyright DreamOfSpring

Subject: Heidi Chronicles: Adventures At the Backyard Buffet

Forum: Wildlife

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Photo of Heidi Chronicles: Adventures At the Backyard Buffet
DreamOfSpring wrote:
This is the ongoing story of Heidi and friends, a group of raccoons who inhabit the forest behind my house and frequent my wildlife buffet. Heidi is pretty large and should be delivering her 08 kits any time now. This will be our third season of observing the raccoons as the tiny kits grow and play and learn about their world.

We'd love to have you join us as we watch, learn, and discuss Heidi's world.

The prior thread in the series is here:
The original thread that started it all is here:

The photo below is of Rupert, one of the 07 kits, now a yearling. Rupert was named after the original Survivor because his mom Diva aka Brittany displayed a severe deficit in parenting skills, and we were all greatly relieved to see that the little fella managed to survive her neglect. Here Rupert is seen enjoying a piece of vanilla frosted cake.

Edited to add links

This message was edited Feb 28, 2008 10:30 PM