Photo by Melody

Perennials: Helleborus preparing to bloom..., 1 by bonitin

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In reply to: Helleborus preparing to bloom...

Forum: Perennials

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Photo of Helleborus preparing to bloom...
bonitin wrote:
I was so lucky to find the same one back for sale.
It's name is Helleborus Silvermoon.
I hope it's going to stay with me this time..
I'm still not sure if the culprits were beetle larvae, I haven't really found evidence of it as I didn't find them in the soil, but I uplifted the plant later in the season, so the larvae might already had become beetles... I suspected them because the symptoms were so similar to other plants I have lost in the past due to these . The roots were simply gone, not rotten..
When I compare the pics. from last year the flowers had more 'old pink' in them, that looks so well with the silver-green foliage, but I've read that it gets that colour later on in its flowering stage..
It's difficult to make good pics of it in these dark dull days..