Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: SPECTACULAR 2007 COTTAGE GARDEN FRESH FALL SEED SWAP!, 1 by Illoquin

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Image Copyright Illoquin


Forum: Specialty Gardening

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Illoquin wrote:
Peggy, So sorry, I just did a quick little scan looking for the southerners and only noticed Kittyjo. Yes, you're on :)

Peggy & Critter - How long does it take Crepe Myrtle to bloom from seed? Just curious, I don't think it's hardy here, but with the last couple of mild winters we've had it would have come through fine! Seems like it might be somehting fun to try from seed to see if it works.

PC - Not ultra organized, but I have been thiinking baout this for a while (sice the inception of the CH Forum to be precise). I thought Lincolnitess would help out a lot with the seeds and I am very worried she hasn't posted in a long time.

I have a lot of table space in dd's room so I can spread out and leave it in place if I need to.

Regarding posting what you have, I don't care about that as much as what you WANT. What kinds of things in a general way. Not too general, but by color, height, use, color, stuff like that. I don't think you can say that you want Cockscomb 'Orange Muffin' and expect it to come true from collected seed, but I think you might be able to get an orange cockscomb.

If the fall rains come I will be sorely disappointed in myself if I find out you want a yellow Rudbeckia with a brown center & I didn't harvest my R. 'Moreno' seeds before the finches get them.

Leading me to Critters comment about Latin names.... yes, you need to use them, especially on natives and perennials and trees and shrubs. We need to be able to look it up in Plant Files to determine if it's invasive (my main concern here at my house) and other participants may have other reasons. I don't care that much on other things like annuals, to be honest, but, I *am* interested in people learning and growing in their chosen hobby, and learning the Latin names of the plants you grow is educational and worthwhile. DG names are one of the 4 things, now 5, and I'll change the main post above to include it, to go on each packet.

BUT I would love to know what people want, and if you have any photos, please post! This is a photo of another dahlia I have seed from. Once again, the color won't come true, but th plant habit should. It is 46" and upright with no staking. It blooms at an early age, but the plant gets 30" in diameter. It blooms through frost, and has been in full bloom the entire summer (but I watered it all summer). This is the coral version of the hot pink one I had in the other thread, so if you like it better, put Suzy's Coral dahlia on your want list instead of Suzy's hot pink dahlia. I junked all the dahlias that fell over or had a bad flower form.
