Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?, 1 by liebran

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In reply to: Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?

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Photo of Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?
liebran wrote:
OH, her aching stomach. I surely bet she did have to go potty. Can you get a little cam and hook it into your vcr? That way you can play it back in the morning (when you have a chance) and see what happens when you are asleep. That is the only way I found out we had Opie the opossum. I have never seen him in the flesh. Right now our coon cam is not in good shape. Kent got a bigger one from work, but needs to get a lot of hardware to get it set up. It's big, and would have zoom capabilities as well as rotate 360 degrees. NOW-the main thing is to get the hubby to have time to do it. He still has to get the new computer up and running (since this one crashed and I still don't have a lot of things back, like OFFICE). It is a pain (and embarrasing) to have to fax hand written notes to whomever. Anyhow, tonight here hasn't been too exciting. Maggie came a little later, ate all the cookies. I fed her some plain pnuts which she adored. Then I went in. Right now no one is at the feeders. They usually show up later, hoping that Maggie is gone. The flying squirrels have been having their place in the works here. They like to get the pnuts out of the squirrel feeder IF a raccoon isn't there--also, they glide across the yard to another tree where there is a squirrel swing for corn, but I put some pnuts on it for them, so they can fly back and forth. About every other night the bats have been showing up. Hurray!! I love the bats. To watch them turn on a dime to get an insect is amazing. I keep telling them to eat all those "filthy heartworm carrying mosquitos!" I bought a bat house last year, but DH hasn't put it up yet. Another project. So now, it seems, we are supplementing the raccoons, flying squirrels, red squirrels, fox squirrels, gray squirrels, chipmunks and turkeys. (Along with the wild birds.) And perhaps Opie. Isn't wildlife interesting. So much for tonight already. Karen