Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?, 1 by liebran

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Photo of Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?
liebran wrote:
I HAVE GREAT NEWS. First the bad, I spent last night in the hospital for "extra ectopic heart beats." Today they did all the tests, pronounced my heart muscle OK, started me on an anti-arrhythmia drug and sent me home. I am very tired. BUT--SATURDAY MAGGIE BROUGHT BABIES OUT--3 OF THEM. The cutest little things you ever saw. And they have her personality, too. When I was feeding them peanuts, they would snarl at each other to get to the nut first. Then they look at at me with those sweet little faces and I just have to give them more nuts, until I ran out. Then they frantically searched all the empty shells along with the bowl of bird seed. A couple almost came up to my shoe, but were afraid. It was 2am, so I told them goodnight. The way I found them was by watching the coon cam in the house. There was a mother and four babies out--I am "assuming" it is Sadie since I know she lives around here. All of a sudden there were SEVEN BABIES all around. I got peanuts, put on my shoes, grabbed a flashlight and headed out. As I got closer, the mother and 4 left (they had been there awhile), but Maggie and the the 3 stayed. Of course they were not sure of me, until the pnuts started flowing. They surely learn that sound of shell pnuts hitting the ground--and have great little noses to be able to find them. I don't know how long I was there, but I enjoyed every minute. Maggie would stand back by the tree and just watch me, I guess to make sure I wasn't going to hurt anyone. But she would occasionally come out to get a pnut for herself. I didn't feel any animosity, but I do think IF I had tried to hurt one, she would have done something. The pics didn't turn out too well for the middle of the night, but I'll ty to post some. So Maggie beat Heidi, who would have thought?? Well, then I missed last night, being in the hospital, so tonight I was out about 8:30 filling the coon bowls with dog food when out walks Maggie from the woods followed by two little faces. As soon as the little ones saw me, they took back off into the forest and climbed a tree. I never did get them back out--just too tired to stay out much longer. Maggie just kept coming, unaware that the kids left her alone. But she didn't care--just wanted out to get those animal crackers. I stayed out a little while talking to Maggie and fed her a little extra crackers, which she ate right up. Then I had to come inside and get ready for bed. Maybe tomorrow I can stay awake. That's all the pretty good news from here tonight. Karen