Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi - Awaiting the Delivery, 1 by DreamOfSpring

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Image Copyright DreamOfSpring

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Photo of Heidi - Awaiting the Delivery
DreamOfSpring wrote:
I'll be going out soon to feed the raccoons for the day. While I'm waiting, I thought I'd take advantage to the opportunity to show you a few of the picks that I took last night. Once again, they are not the greatest, but I figure they'll give you some insight. If nothing else, perhaps they'll help to illustrate the story.

The problems with my camera are getting worse, so I need to get another one very soon. The biggest problem right now is figuring out which camera. The current (broken) one is the Nikon 8800. Does anyone have any ideas for a good replacement or alternate camera? I'd like something that gives me the ability to take good closeups of my flowers. The Nikon can focus when placed up to .5in from item. It takes pics with such incredible detail that I often see things in the pic that I did not see with my bare eyes - I am able to use it as a magnifying glass. BTW, I know almost nothing about photography, just want to take high res and ultra realistic photos of my flowers and other things. I am considering the Cannon Rebel XTi and the Nikon D40 or D40x. I would love to hear your ideas on this.

The past few days Heidi has been rather aloof, preferring to eat at the new station off to one side. She doesn't stay long and is a especially skidish about noises, etc. I can understand that, however. When I don't feel up to par so to speak, I'm not in the mood to take on any challenges. While carrying all those little ones she can't run as fast or get over the fence as easily or fight as well, so it's no wonder she's feeling easily threatened.

Last night shortly before she left I was able to call her over near me briefly. I had just tossed her a greenies dog biscuit, which she seemed pretty exited about, when she apparently had her fill of the noisy neighbors next door. She grabbed the biscuit, and just as I was looking forward to getting a photo of her eating it, she turned and fled for the forest biscuit in hand. Here she is eating over beyond the compost pile.