Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: I had my Magnolia shoes on today..., 1 by malusman

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Image Copyright malusman

In reply to: I had my Magnolia shoes on today...

Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of I had my Magnolia shoes on today...
malusman wrote:

I'm not familiar with Magnolia salicifolia either but I did run into a planting of 'W.B. Clarke' at the Chicago Botanic Garden last year. They seem to display more than six tepals also. A quick search turned up this: which states that they can have up to 12 tepals rarely. Where is Resin when we need him? I almost posted the picture last night but thought it would be too obscure to be interesting. A large oversight in rational thinking. I keep thinking I'm at work, which is a very common thought this time of year. Keep feeding them squirrels butternuts.

Scott- I like 'Golden Gift' because it should stay smaller and opens later than some of the other yellows. It also doesn't seem to open up all at once, instead spreading flowering out over a period of a couple of weeks. Good for selling retail.

Quoting: You are the master! Incredible pictures.

Thanks! I get some pretty good ones from time to time, but I'm not the master. Just a single guy with too much time on his hands. It's a good way to forget about work without really forgetting about it. Playing with them in photoshop, getting them exposed to perfection is rewarding too.
