Photo by Melody

Fruits and Nuts: Avocados, 1 by DevilDogs

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Forum: Fruits and Nuts

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Photo of Avocados
DevilDogs wrote:
35 degrees here right now :-( Course that's 9pm and it did get up to 60 today but with the 40 mph winds we had, I wouldn't put a weed outside.
If they only fruit in the sun then I'm in trouble because mine won't tolerate the sun. Did I do that to them? I've only tried with the loner and every time I put it out, the leaves get burned to the point they crumple up and fall off. Course that one has always been in the house. My 5-pack was started outside and only came inside once we got here and the weather turned cold. My loner plant is not as strong as the 5-pack and as you can see, no leaves below the new growth on the top because I'm the idiot who never learns and keep getting this one sunburnt so they all fall off. I only have this one staked because I didn't trust it not getting damaged during the trip across country and just haven't taken the stake off yet. It is strong enough to survive without the stake. Anyway, think maybe I have to harden them off to the sun? Maybe that's it. Start them off in the shade and then when they are large enough and strong enough, slowly expose them to the sun for fruiting?
Hitting the web to research...will let you know if I find anything!